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Sender ID

  • How to Comply with TRAI's New PE-TM Binding Chain Requirement


    The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) recently introduced new requirements for creating a Principal Entity-Telemarketer (PE-TM) binding chain. If your business is domiciled in India and uses domestic routes to send SMS, this update will be relevant to you. 

    Please note that this process must be completed by December 9, 2024. If you do not complete this process, messages will start to fail starting on December 11, 2024.

    Background: Principal entities and telemarketers 

    Imagine you're sending a letter. There's a chain of people who handle the letter from when it departs your address to when it arrives at your intended recipient — including post office employees and delivery people.

    In the same way, when you send an SMS, many different parties handle your message. It flows from your account to a network provider to a telemarketer for distribution to your final audience. 

    Principal entities and telemarketers are two key parties that participate in sending bulk SMS. Principal entities are companies that want to send bulk SMS messages to their customers. This entity is responsible for the content and purpose of the messages.

    The telemarketer is a company that provides bulk SMS services to principal entities. This party is either a telecom operator or a specialized SMS service provider like Plivo.

    In order to send bulk SMS messages, a principal entity must be registered with a telemarketer. The telemarketer then acts as an intermediary, handling the technical aspects of sending the messages and ensuring compliance with regulations.  

    What is the TRAI binding requirement? 

    Now more than ever, tracking who's involved in sending your SMS message is crucial. This transparency ensures that messages are legal and ethical, reduces the risk of spam, and protects consumers from potential fraud. By identifying the Principal Entity and Telemarketer involved in a message, it becomes easier to trace the origin of the message and take action if necessary. 

    TRAI set a rule that requires all businesses sending SMS messages to disclose the entire chain of entities involved. TRAI wants to see information including:

    • Principal Entity (PE): Your organization
    • Telecom Service Provider (TSP): Network providers like JIO, Airtel, etc.
    • Telemarketer: Plivo
    • Telemarketer Delivery: The entity responsible for final message delivery. 

    This binding process makes SMS messages traceable and ensures regulatory compliance.

    How to meet the TRAI binding requirement

    If you use a DLT number to send SMS, you’ll need to take the time to submit the chain of parties involved to the TRAI for approval. Follow these steps to establish the PE-TM Binding Chain through your DLT portal. 

    1. Log in to your respective DLT portal.
    2. Locate and click on the "PE-TM Chain" or "Manage Telemarketer" tab.
    3. Click on "New Chain."
    4. Search for Plivo by name or search by ID:
      • Plivo's TM-ID is 1002521547326299408
    5. Click "Submit." The status will appear as "Pending," and you should be able to track the status of your request on the DLT portal.
    6. After Plivo approves the chain, your organization, as the Principal Entity, will have to request final approval on the DLT portal.


    1. If you are registered on a DLT platform other than Airtel, you will need to initiate two chains with Plivo to maintain redundancy. This approach leverages Plivo’s direct connections with all major Indian telecom operators to ensure reliable SMS submission and delivery. To enhance service continuity, Plivo has partnered with a trusted Indian carrier for fallback routing. This partnership acts as a safeguard, ensuring seamless operations in case of any disruptions.

    If you have any additional questions about this process, please feel free to reach out to our support team

  • FAQ on Sender ID

    1. What is a Sender ID?

    Sender ID is the name that appears as the message sender of an SMS message on the recipient’s device. Sender IDs are a useful way to identify yourself to recipients of your messages.

    Support for sender ID varies by country. For example, carriers in the United States and Canada don't support sender IDs, whereas carriers in India require their use.

    Sender IDs are classified as one of two types.

    1. Dynamic sender ID: Customers can start sending messages with custom sender IDs immediately in countries that support dynamic sender ID. Simply enable the geo permission for that country through your Plivo console.
    2. Preregistered sender ID: Follow these steps to request a sender ID in countries that require preregistration. 
    • Sign in to the Plivo console.
    • Navigate to Messaging > Sender IDs.
    • Click the Register Sender ID button.
    • Click on the Preregistration option. You'll see a list of countries along with the cost and review times involved for registration.
    • Select the countries from the list where you wish to be registered.
    • Fill out other details: SMS use case, preferred sender ID, sample message, business website, etc.
    • Attach the documents required for the registration and click Request Sender ID.
    • Following a review, you'll be assigned a sender ID that you can use to send messages to customers in preregistration countries.

    2. What's the difference between dynamic sender ID and preregistered sender ID?

    Customers can start sending messages with sender IDs immediately in countries that support dynamic sender ID. Simply enable the geo permission for that country through your Plivo console. 

    For countries that require preregistration, you must go through additional steps to get set up. Recurring charges vary depending on the country of registration.

    3. Which countries support dynamic sender ID?

     Here is the list of countries that support dynamic sender ID.

    4. Which countries require a preregistered sender ID?

    Here is the list of countries that support preregistered sender ID. Along with basic information about the company, preregistration requires document submission. You may incur recurring charges for each sender ID you register. Click here for a list of countries with cost and time details required for preregistration.

    5. Why do I have to preregister a sender ID?

    The telecommunication laws of certain countries mandate sender ID registration for the protection of consumers and companies. You must register your sender ID to represent your brand or company name, and to help monitor and prevent SMS fraud.

    6. What's the process for sender ID registration?

    To set up a sender ID, submit your request by completing the registration form in your console (see question 1). You can select one or multiple countries at once depending on your business needs. Once the request is approved, the sender ID will be set up for your account.

    7. What are the requirements for registration of the sender ID?

    The common requirements when submitting a sender ID registration request are:

    1. SMS use case — promotional or transactional
    2. Preferred alphanumeric sender ID
    3. Sample message
    4. Your company name
    5. Company website
      For preregistration, you may be required to submit additional documents depending on the country. For example, in Indonesia, you must submit a Letter of Authorization (LOA) that authorizes Plivo to register and send branded messages on your behalf.

    8. How much does sender ID registration cost?

    For countries that don't require preregistration, sender ID registration is free and instant. Countries that require preregistration have varying charges to get set up.

    In the countries that support preregistration, some customers are subject to an additional $25 setup fee exclusive of carrier charges per country.

    9. How does sender ID help in highlighting the brand name?

    The sender ID represents your brand or company name, distinguishing it from a million others and defining your brand to your customers. Branding your SMS messages allows you to make an instant connection with your customer or client. Your message is more likely to be opened and read, driving higher engagement with customers and improving brand recognition.

    10. Are there any restrictions on selecting a sender ID?


    1. Enter a minimum of six characters that represent your brand identity. You can include upper- and lower-case letters, the numbers 0 - 9, and spaces.
    2. Include at least one letter.
    3. Do not use ASCII special characters (such as # or @).
    4. For India, the sender ID must be exactly six characters.


  • Preregistration Country Charges and ETA for Sender ID

    The following countries require sender ID pre-registration in addition to the carrier-level setup fee, a recurring fee. We’ve also provided a registration ETA for each country.

    Please note that when registering a sender ID in the countries that support pre-registration, customers are subject to a one-time $25 Plivo setup fee that is exclusive of carrier charges per country.

    Country Setup Fee ($) Recurring Fee (per month in $) ETA (in days)
    Bangladesh 25 0 20
    Belarus 25 0 10
    Cuba 25 0 120
    Czech Republic 46 74 14
    Egypt 25 0 30
    Ethiopia 25 0 5
    Ghana 25 0 14
    Indonesia 25 0 60
    Iran 25 0 10
    Jordan 25 0 10
    Kazakhstan 25 100 15
    Kenya 25 0 14
    Kuwait 35 0 30
    Morocco 25 0 10
    Nepal 25 0 7
    Nigeria 25 0 12
    Oman 25 0 7
    Philippines 25 0 7
    Qatar 25 0 10
    Romania 450 0 12
    Russia 25 275 14
    Saudi Arabia 25 0 26
    Singapore 25 0 7
    Sri Lanka 25 0 7
    Tanzania 25 0 60
    Thailand 25 0 28
    Turkey 25 0 60
    Uganda 25 0 7
    United Arab Emirates 25 0 28
    United Kingdom 25 0 20
    Vietnam 28 0 60

    This information is subject to change per country, carrier, and end-operator regulations.

  • List of Countries Based on Sender ID Regulations
    Supports Sender ID with Instant Registration (Dynamic Registration)
    Supports Sender ID with Preregistration
    $ - Represents countries that charge a monthly fee for Sender IDs
    Sender ID Not Supported
    Afghanistan Bangladesh Argentina
    Albania Belarus Azerbaijan
    Algeria Cuba Brazil
    Andorra Czech Republic - $ Burkina Faso
    Angola Egypt Canada
    Armenia Ethiopia Chile
    Australia Ghana China
    Austria India* Colombia
    Bahrain Indonesia Costa Rica
    Belgium Iran Croatia
    Belize Jordan Dominican Republic
    Benin Kazakhstan - $ Ecuador
    Bolivia Kenya Guatemala
    Bosnia and Herzegovina Kuwait Honduras
    Botswana Morocco South Korea
    Brunei Nepal Lesotho
    Bulgaria Nigeria Madagascar
    Cambodia Oman Malawi
    Cameroon Philippines Mali
    Chad Qatar Mexico
    Congo Dem. Rep. Romania Mozambique
    Congo Republic Russian Federation - $ Namibia
    Cote D'lvoire Saudi Arabia New Zealand
    Cyprus Singapore - $ Pakistan
    Denmark Sri Lanka Panama
    El Salvador Tanzania Paraguay
    Estonia Thailand Puerto Rico
    Finland Turkey Serbia
    France Uganda South Africa
    French Guiana United Arab Emirates Syria
    Gabon United Kingdom Taiwan
    Georgia Vietnam Tunisia
    Germany   Turkmenistan
    Gibraltar   United States
    Greece   Uzbekistan
    Guinea   Venezuela
    Guyana   Yemen
    Hong Kong (China)    
    Macao (China)  
    Marshall Islands  
    Mayotte (FR Indian Ocean Territories)
    Myanmar (Burma)  
    Netherlands Antilles  
    Northern Mariana Islands (US)  
    Papua New Guinea  
    Sao Tome and Principe  
    Sierra Leone  
    Solomon Islands  
    St. Maarten  
    Timor Leste (East)  


    * India has a different process for registering sender IDs through a DLT portal

    Dynamic sender ID — Customers are expected to have a sender ID registered against their brand name. They can send using any sender ID to these countries, but if the messages are coming through a non-alphanumeric sender ID, Plivo will automatically replace it with the registered sender ID.

    Preregistration: Customers are requested to upload the required documents through the portal. Registration will happen in the background and customers will be updated post the registration process.

    Sender ID not supported: SMS will be delivered but the sender ID used in the From number will be replaced with local numbers or short codes or a generic code based on the Country's regulation for delivery.


  • DLT Registration Process for Sending SMS to India

    Any entity wanting to send SMS in India must register its organization, headers, and templates, along with the required consumer consent, on the Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) platform. Please note that only Indian entities (those registered locally in India) are eligible to register on the DLT platform. This rule, mandated by the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI), aims to curb unsolicited commercial communication (UCC). Follow these steps to comply with TRAI requirements and ensure your messaging traffic flows smoothly.

    Step 1 — Get unique Entity ID

    Register on any of the DLT platforms below by filling in the required information to get a temporary ID. After verification of your documents, the operator will provide you with a unique Entity ID.


    • Our customer feedback reports that Jio’s registration process is shorter and easier than other vendors. 
    • Please share your reference number/temporary ID/unique Entity ID and registered entity name with us once you have registered on any DLT platform.
    • Note that you will need to work with your DLT vendor to whitelist your CTAs — more on this below.

    Step 2 — Register headers

    Once you get your unique Entity ID, register your headers in the DLT platforms.

    • Navigate to the Headers tab in your dashboard. Please refer to the attached guide for the header registration process.
    • There are two types of headers to choose from: promotional and other.
      • Promotional campaigns, such as offers, discounts, and marketing messages, need a six-digit numeric sender ID, which will be prefixed with your industry code.
      • Other campaigns, such as transactional updates or notifications, allow you to choose your preferred header name. Add your preferred header name in the text box and describe your reason for choosing it.

    Your header name should match your entity name. If you choose a different header name, please justify the discrepancy and include your mobile number in the description box so the DLT support team can contact you with questions.


    • Only entities with registered headers can send SMS messages. Please contact us once your headers have been approved.
    • Headers (sender names) are case-sensitive, so ABCDEF and abcdef, for example, are two different sender names and can be registered separately.

    Step 3 — Whitelist your CTAs

    Any calls-to-action (CTAs) that you plan to use in your messages must be whitelisted on the DLT platform. Whitelisting these links ensures that your messages are successfully delivered. The following types of CTAs must be approved by your DLT platform provider. 

    1. URLs
      1. Any link/URL used in an SMS.
      2. WhatsApp links
      3. APK links
    2. Numbers used for calls or messages
      1. Mobile
      2. Landline
      3. Toll-free
    3. Email addresses

    For instance, if you include a link for users to sign up for an account, that URL must be whitelisted. Likewise, if your messages contain a callback number or an email address, those must also be whitelisted.

    Whitelisting Requirements at a Glance

    CTA Type CTA Sample CTA (if required) Subtype Details
    URL N/A Static URL Only exact matches will be allowed
    URL + Variable Dynamic URL You need to whitelist only the static part of the URL. For example, if you have two URLs, such as and, you only need to whitelist the static part of the URL, which is
    Number 91XXXXXXXXX
    Mobile / Landline / TFN Only exact matches will be allowed
    Email N/A Email Only exact matches will be allowed
    URL Shortening Currently not supported


    Note that if a value is not whitelisted under your brand, it will not be permitted in your message content, and your messages will fail to be delivered.

    Step 4 — Register consent templates

    After you've registered your business and headers (sender IDs), the next step in the DLT registration process is to add consent templates. 

    Consent templates and registering guidelines

    A consent template is a standard message that's sent to users to get their consent to receive communications from enterprises. 


    • Template Name: Choose whatever you like
    • Brand Name: A product or trade name
    • Scope of Consent: Description of the content you plan to send to users. Examples:
      • We would like to send communication regarding marketing offers and events to our registered customers. 
      • ABC Solutions needs your consent to send messages about your account information, activity, and our best offers.
      • We will send our registered customers updates, transactions, and recommendations of our services and products.

    Dos for consent templates

    • Choose a relevant short name to the template to help you choose the right consent templates when you associate them with content templates in promotional or service categories.
    • Brand name should be relevant to details mentioned in scope of content.
    • The scope of content and your intent should be clear and relevant to the mentioned brand. 
    • If you want to offer opt-out information, include complete information. Example: “To opt out, send STOP to 5555555”

     Don’ts for consent templates

    • Don't use generic names for templates, such as "template1."
    • Don't mention invalid or irrelevant names or popular brand names. Operators will treat these as  invalid templates.
    • Don't enter an actual message sent to the customer.
    • Don't enter short messages like "consent" or "SMS to customers."
    • Don't use variables in the scope of consent, as variables are applicable only to content templates.

    After filling in the details in the three fields you can submit the template for approval. There is no limitation on the number of consent templates you can create.

    After consent templates are approved by the registrar, you can link them to content templates in promotional or service categories, as shown here:



    How to register a consent template in a DLT portal

    For Jio DLT platform:

    • Select Template > Consent Registration.
    • Add a template name and your brand name.
    • Add Template Consent, which is the standard message that is added to your T&C or any other document informing them about their consent to receive communications from respective enterprise.
    • After adding your consent template, add a list of consented customers.
    • For adding phone numbers, select Customers’ Consent > Bulk Upload.

    Content templates and registration guidelines

    After you've registered consent templates, the next step in the DLT registration process is to add content templates. 

    How to add content templates

    There are four types of content templates: transaction, service implicit, service explicit, and promotional.


    Any message that contains a one-time password (OTP) required to complete a banking or credit or debit card transaction initiated by a bank customer is considered transactional. Here are some examples of this type of content, along with examples of the template formats that would create them.

    Actual Message

    Template Format

    234567 is the OTP for txn of inr 57.75 at Izaak payment services PVT with your sbi card xx3931. OTP is valid for 10 mins. pls do not share with anyone

    {#var#} is the OTP for txn of inr {#var#} at {#var#} with your sbi card{#var#}. OTP is valid for {#var#}. pls do not share with anyone

    234567 is your OTP for fund transfer for the amount Rs.6,000 to Raja. OTP valid for 8 minutes. Do not share this OTP with anyone.

    {#var#} is your OTP for fund transfer for the amount {#var#} to {#var#}. OTP valid for 8 minutes. Do not share this OTP with anyone.

    234567 is OTP for your eComm Txn for the amount Rs.25,000 OTP valid for 8 minutes. Do not share this OTP with anyone.

    {#var#} is OTP for your eComm Txn for the amount {#var#} OTP valid for 8 minutes. Do not share this OTP with anyone



    Any message arising out of customers' actions or their existing relationship with the enterprise, and that is not promotional, is considered a service-implicit message. These include:

    • Confirmation messages of net banking and credit/debit card transactions
    • Product purchase confirmation and delivery status from ecommerce websites
    • Customer is making payments through a payment wallet for an ecommerce website or mobile app, and an OTP is sent to complete the transaction
    • OTPs required for ecommerce websites, app logins, social media apps, authentication and verification links, securities trading, demat account operations, KYC, and ewallet registration
    • Messages from TSP/ISP
    • Periodic balance info, bill generation, bill dispatch, due date reminders, recharge confirmation (DTH, cable, prepaid electricity recharge, etc.)
    • Delivery notifications, updates, and periodic upgrades
    • Messages from retail stores related to invoices and warranties
    • Messages from schools, such as attendance and transport alerts
    • Messages from hospitals, clinics, pharmacies, radiologists, and pathologists about registration, appointments, discharge, and reports
    • Confirmatory messages from app-based services
    • Government/DOT/TRAI mandated messages
    • Service updates from car workshops, repair shops, and gadgets service centers
    • Directory services such as Justdial and Yellow Pages
    • Day-end and month-end settlement alerts to securities and demat account holders

    Actual Message

    Template Format

    Thank you for using EMI Facility on your XXXX Bank Credit Card 4***1234 EMI request for Rs. 89000.00 executed on 01/07/2019

    Thank you for using EMI Facility on your IDBI Bank Credit Card {#var#} EMI request for {#var#} executed on {#var#}

    XXX BANK - Your new bill for BESCOM Bangalore - account 0123456000 for Rs 4339.00 could not get scheduled because the auto-pay limit is less than the bill amount.

    XXX BANK - Your new bill for {#var#} - account {#var#} for Rs {#var#} could not get scheduled because the auto-pay limit is less than the bill amount.

    Account: 123456 is your Pansoi account verification code.

    Account: {#var#} is your Pansoi account verification code



    Service-explicit messages require explicit consent from customers that has been verified directly from the recipient in a robust and verifiable manner and recorded by the consent registrar. This category includes any service messages that don’t fall under the service-implicit category.

    Customer consent templates must be linked to content templates in the service-explicit category.

    Examples include messages to the existing customers recommending or promoting products or services. 

    Actual Message

    Template Format

    Your Rs.500 exclusive voucher is ready. Redeem it on purchase of Rs.1,000 at M&M. Use code 654321001. Valid till 31 Mar 2021! T&C.

    Your Rs.{#var#} exclusive voucher is ready. Redeem it on purchase of Rs.{#var#} at M&M. Use code {#var#}. Valid till {#var#}! T&C.

    To best serve you and others, please click on to share your meeting experience with your Ojas Insurance representative

    To best serve you and others, please click on {#var#} to share your meeting experience with {#var#}

    Baba Finserv personal loans need minimal documentation. Meet your financial needs in one click:

    Baba Finserv personal loans need minimal documentation. Meet your financial needs in one click: {#var#}.



    These are any messages with an intention to promote or sell products, goods, or services. Service content mixed with promotional content is treated as promotional. These messages are sent to customers after performing the preference and consent scrubbing function.

    Customer consent templates must be linked to content templates in the promotional category.


    Actual Message

    Template Format

    Lifetime free bank credit card with vouchers from LensKart, Pepperfry, Grabon worth Rs.3000. SMS “apply” to 5676766. TnC apply

    Lifetime free bank credit card with vouchers from LensKart, Pepperfry, Grabon worth Rs.{#var#}. SMS “{#var#}” to 5676766. TnC apply

    Pay just Rs 640* pm & get Rs 83,333 for 120 months or payout of Rs 1,00,00,000 with LIC (Life Insurance Cover) for your family.

    Pay just Rs {#var#} pm & get Rs {#var#} for {#var#} months or payout of Rs {#var#} with LIC (Life Insurance Cover) for your family. {#var#}

    You can win Rs 20,000 in fantasy cricket! Use code 542321. Install Badger app now to win. Click

    You can win Rs {#var#} in fantasy cricket! Use code {#var#}. Install Badger app now to win. Click {#var#}

    Content template validation

    • Use of two or more spaces before, after, or between words is not advisable.
    • All special characters are allowed. 
    • The variable format in text is {#var#}, which is case-sensitive. You can also insert a variable by clicking the insert variable radio button. 
    • Transactional and service content should always have some variable content.
    •  Promotional content can have completely fixed content or some variable content.
    •  There is no limitation on the number of variables per message.
    •  Values such as a dates, amounts, account numbers, names, and OTPs must be inserted using variables.

    Dos for content templates

    • Use the promotional category for communications intended to be sent only from numerical sender IDs. 
    • Only banking enterprises should use the transactional category for OTP messages during fund transfers, online payments, and merchant transactions. 
    • Choose relevant and recognizable names for content templates. 
    • Use the message type as “TEXT” for all general messages and “Unicode” for regional messages. 
    • Use variable {#var#} insertion for values such as a dates, amounts, account numbers, names, and OTPs.

    Don’ts for content templates

    • Don't use the same content template with multiple headers. 
    • Don't make header selections against irrelevant templates. 
    • Don't selecting the transactional content types for nonbanking enterprises. 
    • Don't use double spaces in templates. Check for this using a tool like Notepad++ before template submission. 
    • Don't use templates with fewer than six characters or with only variable insertion.

    How to register a content template in a DLT portal

     For Jio DLT platform

    • Select Template > Content Template Registration
    • Choose template type as SMS
    • Choose your content type — English or other languages
    • Select a Category from the drop-down list
    • Select Consent ID from the drop-down list
    • Choose a type of communication — Promotional / Transactional / Service-Inferred / Service-Explicit
    • Select Header from the drop-down list
    • Add the template content in the "template content" text box and click Submit.


  • What are the fees for registering a sender ID?

    Plivo works with carriers to set up sender IDs based on carrier regulations and the destination country. This may involve a one-time setup fee of $25 exclusive of carrier charges for sender ID registration for each country. (Certain countries impose additional carrier charges for sender ID traffic. Charges are subject to change and shared with customers on a case-by-case basis after we have confirmation from the respective local carriers.)

    There is no fee to enable a sender ID for destinations where the sender ID is dynamic. However, Plivo still needs to vet the use and business cases to enable alphanumeric sender IDs.

    Read our guide to registering a sender ID for more information.

    How can I get more than one sender ID for my account?

    Multiple sender IDs are supported on your account, including multiple IDs for the same country. If you need additional sender IDs, you can register them through a subaccount.

    Can the sender ID be changed?

    You can change your sender ID for a charge of $25 per country.

  • Country Requirements for Sender ID Registration

    Sender IDs are specific to each country. Every country has regulations with which Plivo and its carriers must comply. 

    • For certain countries, sender IDs are dynamic, meaning that they don't require preregistration with those countries' carriers.
    • For other countries, sender IDs do require preregistration with carriers. Messages may not be delivered if the sender ID is not preregistered.

    What countries require sender ID preregistration?

    Sender IDs must be preregistered for the following countries. 

    Belarus, Bangladesh, Cambodia, Chad, Cuba, Egypt, Nepal, Norway, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Turkey, Uganda, United Arab Emirates, Morocco, United Kingdom and Ethiopia.

    Sender ID registration is recommended, but not mandatory, for the following countries. Messages will be delivered with a generic sender ID, such as "SMS" or "INFO," if no custom sender ID is preregistered. 

    India, Indonesia, Jordan, Kenya, Kuwait, Nicaragua, Oman, Philippines, Qatar, Russia, Tajikistan, Tanzania

    What countries do not require sender ID preregistration? 

    Sender IDs are dynamic in the following countries.* You may set the Sender ID to any acceptable alphanumeric term. 

    Algeria, Anguilla, Antigua and Barbuda, Aruba, Australia, Barbados, Belize, Bermuda (UK), Bhutan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Botswana, British Virgin Islands, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Croatia, Cyprus, Democratic Republic Congo, Denmark, Dominica, Estonia, Falkland Islands, Fiji, Finland, Gabon, Gambia, Germany, Greenland, Grenada, Guadeloupe, Guernsey, Guinea, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Ivory Coast, Jamaica, Japan, Latvia, Liberia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macao, Malawi, Maldives, Malta, Martinique, Mauritius, Monaco, Mozambique, Netherlands, Niger, Nigeria, Papua New Guinea, Portugal, Republic of the Congo, Samoa, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Slovakia, Slovenia, Somalia, Spain, St. Lucia, Sweden, Switzerland, Togo, Tonga, Vanuatu, Zambia

    Alpha sender ID is dynamic in the following countries. Numeric sender IDs will be replaced with a generic alpha ID: 

    Albania, Angola, Armenia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Brunei, France, Georgia, Greece, Hong Kong, Iraq, Italy, Laos, Lebanon, Libya, Liechtenstein, Macedonia, Mauritania, Moldova, Montenegro, Myanmar, Namibia, Poland, Réunion (France), Senegal, Serbia, South Sudan, Sudan, Swaziland, Timor-Leste, Uganda, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Zimbabwe, South Africa

    *While these countries are fully dynamic, messages with alphanumeric sender IDs may still be rejected because Plivo accounts are not enabled for alphanumeric sender IDs by default. Contact support if you’d like to enable this feature.

  • Guide to Registering a Sender ID

    Before you register a sender ID, you may want to read our Sender ID FAQ document.

    Do I need to register a sender ID?

    Some countries require that you register your sender ID. These countries allow application-to-person (A2P) messaging only from senders registered with network operators. Registering your sender ID in advance increases the delivery rate of your messages and reduces the chances of getting blocked by carriers. 

    Can Plivo register sender IDs for me?

    You can register sender IDs through the Plivo console. This three-minute video is a step-by-step guide on how to do that.

    What are the prerequisites and restrictions for registering a sender ID?

    • You must have a Plivo account in good standing.
    • A sender ID must be between 4 and 11 characters in length, depending on the country. 
    • A sender ID cannot contain spaces or hyphens. 
    • A sender ID cannot be registered for promotional messages.

    Are there any charges for registering a sender ID?

    This document contains a list of countries that require sender ID preregistration, along with the carrier-level setup fee, recurring fees, and ETA for sender ID registration.


  • Does Plivo support alphanumeric sender ID for SMS?

    Yes, Plivo supports the use of alphanumeric sender IDs for SMS. To enable this feature, you must whitelist your account by contacting Plivo Support. When submitting your request, please include the following information:

    Yes. Plivo supports the use of alphanumeric sender IDs. You can now register and manage your Sender IDs directly through the Plivo console by submitting a compliance application. This application should include the Sender ID you want to use, the destination countries, and details about your messaging use case.

    After you submit the request, Plivo reviews it to ensure that all communication originating from your account is legitimate and does not facilitate malicious activities such as social engineering, phishing, or vishing. We may verify your business credentials and, if necessary, request additional documentation—such as a letter of authorization from your organization’s legal department—to confirm your right to use a specific Sender ID. If the Sender ID represents a product or service your company offers, we may ask for information to establish this connection.

    Some countries have strict regulatory requirements and may mandate preapproval of alphanumeric Sender IDs. If local carrier or regulatory approvals are needed, it can take up to eight weeks. If no approvals are required, the process typically takes a few business days.

    Most customers can complete the Sender ID registration and compliance process directly through the console. Should you face exceptional circumstances, our support team is available to assist.

    Please note that alphanumeric Sender IDs are currently not supported in the United States or Canada.