Carriers in the US require that businesses that send application-to-person (A2P) messages register (in the case of local long code numbers) or verify (for toll-free numbers) their source numbers.
You can check what numbers are registered or verified via the Filter box on the Plivo console. Go to Phone Numbers > Active and click on Filter.
Filtering long codes
In the drop-down menu, tick “10DLC Status” to filter long code numbers.
Long code numbers may have one of three possible statuses.
- Completed: These numbers are linked to a 10DLC campaign and require no next steps.
- Processing: These numbers are in the process of being linked to a 10DLC campaign.
- Unregistered: These numbers have yet to be linked to a 10DLC campaign.
You can also filter long codes via the AccountPhoneNumbers API using the filter tendlc_registration_status.
Read our 10DLC documentation to learn more about the process.
Filtering toll-free numbers
To filter toll-free numbers, tick “Toll-free SMS verification.”
Toll-free numbers may have one of three possible statuses.
- Verified: These numbers are verified and require no next steps.
- Pending Verification: These numbers are being reviewed by carriers.
- Unverified: These numbers require verification.
You can also filter toll-free numbers via the AccountPhoneNumbers API using the filter toll_free_sms_verification.
Read our toll-free documentation to learn about sending limits and the process for verification.
Exporting a list of filtered numbers
You can export the list of numbers that match your filtering criteria. Tick the box at the top of the rightmost column to select all (or tick individual numbers if you prefer), then from the Choose Action drop-down select Export CSV.
If you have unregistered long codes or unverified toll-free numbers and you intend to use them for messaging, Plivo recommends you register and verify these numbers.
For long codes:
- Register brands and campaigns for yourself and your end customers.
- Identify the source numbers that you use to send messages and ensure that those numbers are linked to campaigns.
- You can also automate the registration process using the Plivo 10DLC API.
- Get started with the Quickstart Guide.
- Check out the documentation for more information.
For toll-free numbers, follow this process to complete verification.