Self-Service Port-In

What is porting?

Porting transfers a phone number between two service providers. The process involves providing documentation to prove ownership of the number as well as coordination between the two providers to finalize the number’s porting date.

How long does it take to port in a number?

Initiate the process of porting a local US or Canadian number by making a request on the Plivo console. The process can take up to four weeks depending on the type of number you are porting and your current service provider. 

We offer porting across the US, Canada, and Australia. Self-service port-in via the console is only available in the US and Canada. For Australia, submit a port-in request via a support ticket.

How do I port a phone number to Plivo?

To initiate a port-in request, you must have a Plivo Standard account. Plivo automatically ports both voice and SMS capabilities for long codes. For toll-free numbers, only voice is ported by default. To configure SMS capability on toll-free numbers, please contact the Plivo support team. Ensure you gather all the necessary information beforehand.

You need to provide the following information and documents with your port-in request.

  • The authorized user or owner’s first and last names or the business name.
  • The corresponding service address, which must be an actual physical address; PO  boxes are not valid addresses.
  • A Letter of Authorization (LOA) signed by the authorized user and/or owner of the number(s). The information on the LOA must match the authorized user name and service address provided by your current carrier.
  • A scanned or electronic copy of your most recent phone bill from within the last 30 days. It must include the account, owner or authorized user name, and address information for all the numbers you’d like to port.
  • Account number and port PIN (if applicable) from the current provider.

If this information is not accurate, your request will be rejected or delayed until you are able to provide the correct information. 

Submit your port request

Log in to the Plivo console and go to Phone Numbers > Port-In > New Port-In Order. Fill in your business details on the user details screen, then click continue.

On the port-in details screen, enter your preferred port-in date and the numbers you want to port in. Enter the current carrier’s account number and, if you have one, the port PIN for the number. Click continue.

Then, configure your to-be-ported numbers in advance so that when the port-in is complete, your numbers are set up for voice and SMS. In this step, you will be asked to:

  • Enter an alias / friendly name for the numbers.
  • Select a sub account to ease number management (optional).
  • Enter a caller ID name (CNAM) to help brand your calls (optional).
  • Select the XML or PHLO application to associate the numbers with.

The final screen asks you to upload the supporting documents for your request. When you’re finished, click submit.

Until you hear that the porting process is complete, don’t close your account with your old carrier to keep your numbers active. You’ll receive an email alert on your registered account as the porting process moves forward.

How do I check my request status?

During the port-in process, you can track the status of your order by navigating to Phone Numbers > Port-In and checking the order status. Your request will be listed as one of the categories outlined below. 

  • Draft: You have started but not submitted the port-in order.
  • Processing: One or more numbers have been submitted to the carrier and awaiting updates from the carrier.
  • Update required: One or more numbers in your order require you to provide an update.
  • Completed: The order has been processed completely. Check the number list inside for number-specific details.
  • Canceled: The order has been canceled by the end user.
  • Rejected: All the numbers attached to the port order were rejected. Please contact Plivo support for assistance. 

How do I check the number port-in status?

During the port-in process, you can track the status of your phone number by navigating to Phone Numbers > Port-In and clicking on your port order name. The status values are listed below. 

  • Submitted: The number was submitted to end operators for porting. We’re waiting for acceptance from the carriers and a Firm Order Commitment (FOC) date for local number port orders.
  • Accepted: The number was accepted for porting by the end operator. An FOC date was also assigned for local number port orders.
  • Update required: One or more fields for the number require an update. See remarks for more information.
  • Completed - SMS failed: The number is ported in, but SMS capabilities are not enabled yet. Plivo is working on enabling SMS with end operators.
  • Completed - Voice failed: The number has been ported in but voice capabilities are not enabled yet. Plivo is working on enabling voice with end operators.
  • Completed - Voice and SMS failed: The number is ported in but neither SMS nor voice capabilities are enabled yet. Plivo is working with the end operators to enable them. 
  • Completed: The number porting request was successful.
  • Canceled: The number porting request was canceled by the end user.
  • Rejected: The number porting request was rejected by the end operator. See  remarks for more information.

A number will not be added to your Active Numbers list until number porting is complete. The number can only be tracked by navigating to Phone Numbers > Port-In and clicking on your port order name.

What is the FOC date and why is it important?

For local number port orders, the Firm Order Commitment (FOC) date is the date on which the losing carrier will release a phone number to the gaining carrier.

The issuance of an FOC signals the confirmation that your port-in request has been accepted. Plivo tests the numbers for SMS and voice capabilities on the FOC date. Once successfully tested, the numbers are added to your Active Numbers.

If you want to cancel a port-in order after an FOC has been issued, you must do so at least 72 hours before the date. 

FOCs do not guarantee a specific time other than before the end of business on that date.

When porting a number, when should I cancel service with my current carrier?

Your phone number must remain active on your current carrier until the port request is complete. 

Once you’ve received confirmation that your port request is complete, contact your previous carrier to ensure that the phone number was taken out of your account to prevent further charges.

Can I submit a bulk port-in request?

You can submit bulk port-in requests for US and Canadian numbers on the Plivo console. To do so, paste a list of up to 40 local landline or toll-free numbers in the Phone Numbers field. Please note: A request can accommodate either local numbers or toll-free numbers, but not both at the same time.

Port-in may take two to four weeks to complete.

Why was my port-in request rejected?

Although most numbers are portable, there are several common reasons why a port request may be rejected by the losing carrier. In nearly all cases, rejection can be remedied by the rightful user of the phone number.

The best way to prevent your port request from being rejected is to submit the exact information your current carrier has on file. Contact your current carrier in advance to verify this information. We recommend that you obtain a CSR from your current carrier and submit the information in the record.

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