How can I enable two-factor authentication?

Starting May 20, 2021, you must use a secure two-factor authentication (2FA) mechanism to log in to the Plivo console. 2FA provides an additional level of security by asking for a unique verification code to be sent to your mobile number when you log in into your account. This provides more protection for your profile and transaction information even when your user credentials are compromised.

How can I enable 2FA on my account?

In the Plivo console, visit Account > Settings > Security. Under Two Factor Authentication toggle the button from Disabled to Enabled.Screen_Shot_2020-04-01_at_4.05.30_PM.pngPlivo will send you a confirmation email message. The next time you log in, Plivo will send a one-time password via SMS to the phone number associated with the account. The OTP will be valid for only three minutes. If it expires, or if you don't receive the OTP, verify your phone number and click Try Again. You can also request the OTP via phone call.


Can I change the number after it’s set up?

Yes. To change the number associated with your account for two-factor authentication, make sure you have access to both your old and new phone numbers. Please make sure the new number is a valid mobile number. In the Plivo console, click on Account > Settings > Security.


Click on Change Your Number. Enter your new phone number and click Update Number.


You'll receive a one-time password via SMS to the new phone number associated with the account. The OTP will be valid for only three minutes. If it expires, or if you don't receive the OTP, verify your phone number and click Try Again. You can also request the OTP via phone call.

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