How to register a 10DLC brand on the Plivo console

This post addresses some common questions about 10DLC brand registration on the console. For more comprehensive information, see our A2P 10DLC page.


Take these steps before registering your brand

Before you register your brand on the console, take the following steps to avoid any issues or delays. 

  • Review the costs associated with 10DLC brand registration. Make sure you have a standard account with sufficient Plivo credits to cover these costs. Learn more here.
  • The Campaign Registry (TCR) and carriers expect businesses to provide details in a certain format.  Review our 10DLC registration guidelines to avoid any compliance issues.
  • Brand registration requires you to provide your company’s legal name and registration number. Copy that information from your registration document accurately.

In order to complete your brand registration, visit the messaging page and navigate to 10DLC section of the console. Brand registration involves two steps. 

  • Step 1: Create a profile for your company. 
  • Step 2: Complete 10DLC registration for your company.

Creating a profile for your company

Navigate to Profiles in the 10DLC section of the messaging page. Click on “Create Profile”. You will be asked to provide information about your company. 


Please provide accurate information for all the required fields. The fields marked as “optional” can be skipped. Once you have filled out the form, click on “Save and Continue”. 

Next, you will be asked to provide the address of your company. Once you have filled out this information, click on “Save and Continue”.


Finally, you will be asked to submit contact details. Once you have filled out the necessary information, click on “Submit Profile” to create your profile.


Once you have completed the profile registration, you can move on to create a brand for your company. 


Completing 10DLC registration for your business

Navigate to Brands in the 10DLC section of the messaging page and click on “Create Brand”.


First, select the profile for which you want to create a brand. By default, the most recently created profile will be selected. Switch profiles by clicking on “Choose Another Profile”.


Next, provide an alias for your brand. This alias can be your brand name or a nickname you use internally. Brand type can only be “Standard”. 


Finally, select the vetting option for your brand. Give consent to provide additional documents if required by TCR or the carriers.

Plivo recommends selecting the “Low Volume” option if your daily messaging volume won’t exceed 6,000 messages per day. If your daily messaging will exceed 6,000 messages per day, select the “Standard” option. Please note that the “Standard” vetting option has an additional cost of $40. 

Click “Submit” to send the registration request to TCR.


How long does brand registration take and how can I check the status of my registration?

Brands are generally registered within one day, but in some cases, it may take up to a week. You can check the status of your registration request on the console.


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