Brazil Short Code Information

Short codes can only message users within the countries in which they’re provisioned, so if you don’t have recipients in Brazil, don’t obtain a short code in the country.

Brazil short codes are five digits long. Only standard (random number) short codes are available.

Messages from short codes in Brazil are Free To End User (FTEU). 

Before you send messages from a short code you must obtain express consent from end users to receive messages. You may not use short codes for campaigns for which you have not obtained express end user consent. This includes friend-to-friend invitation-based campaigns, as well as opt-ins obtained through lead generation. In addition, all messaging campaigns and content is subject to the terms of Plivo’s Acceptable Use Policy

If you wish to give up a short code you must provide 35 days notice, after which you will no longer have access to it or be charged for it.

If you don’t use a short code for an extended amount of time, regulators may disconnect it without any prior warning.

Short code content regulations

This table shows what types of content you may and may not send via short codes. 

Type of Message Content


Not Allowed





Gambling / casinos


Illegal products or services






Multilevel trading






Political causes / politicians






Sensitive data (end user)


Sexual content (explicit)


Spam / phishing


Special offers


Third-party rights violations (copyrights, registered trademarks)


Other short code regulations

In addition to content type, Brazil imposes other restrictions on short code messaging.


Sending promotional and transactional traffic on the same short code is prohibited.


Businesses may send marketing messages only between 9 a.m. and 10 p.m. unless they obtain recipients’ consent to receive messages outside of these hours.



Businesses may send a maximum of seven marketing messages per user per week unless they obtain recipients’ consent to receive messages more frequently.



Transactional messaging, such as alerts and one-time passwords for two-factor authentication, is limited to 150 transactions per second (TPS).

Promotional messaging, such as marketing campaigns and messages with no time-sensitive content, is limited to 450 TPS.

Brazil regulatory bodies

How to obtain a short code

To apply for a short code in Brazil, create a support ticket with this information:

  • Use case — the main purpose of the short code

  • Traffic type — promotional or transactional

  • Anticipated monthly traffic volume

  • Estimated traffic start date

  • Content — sample SMS texts. Include any URLs that will be sent to end users.

  • Link to your privacy policy page

  • Link to your terms and conditions page

  • Company name and link to web page

  • Your account ID

Note : Short code type. All short codes in Brazil are FTEU.

Once we have your information we’ll submit it to our downstream carriers. Short code approval may take up to four weeks. From the end of November through mid-January Brazil carriers freeze provisioning, so applications made during that time take longer to be approved.


Set-up Fee


Recurring fee

500 USD/Month

ETA of the process

Provisioning Time

15-21 days


1 working day


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