What are the differences between long code, toll-free, and short code numbers?

Plivo offers three types of numbers for you to choose from. This table shows the key differences between them.

  Long Code Toll-Free Short Code
Profile Type Person-to-person Application-to-person Application-to-person
Content Type Conversational Informational Informational/ promotional
Consent Type Implied


Dequeue Rate: US/ Canada  1 SMS per 4 seconds US: 40 SMS/sec
Canada: 1 SMS/sec
100 SMS/sec
Procurement Time Subject to availability Subject to availability 8-12 weeks
Number Type 10-digit virtual numbers 10-digit numbers Specifically provisioned 5-6 digit numbers
Cost Lowest Low High
Examples Number masking, conversational SMS 2FA, alerts, reminders Marketing, alerts, and reminders


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