How does creating a session with a single party work?

If the session is created with create_session_with_single_party set to true, the following flows are possible:

  • If the session is created without PIN authentication (is_pin_authentication set to false), any party calling the virtual number will be connected directly to the first_party or second_party number.
  • If the session is created with a single party number and PIN authentication is enabled (is_pin_authentication set to true), any party calling the virtual number will be connected to the first_party or second_party number after successful PIN authentication.
  • If the missing party details are not updated and an interaction is initiated with the registered party in a session, any call made by the registered party (either the first or second party) to the virtual number will be routed based on the last interaction. For example, if only the customer number is used to create a session, an agent calling from number X to the virtual number will be directly connected with the customer (the registered party in the session). If the customer calls back to the virtual number, Plivo will route the call to the agent’s number X based on the last interaction.
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