How do I tune the machine detection logic?

You can use the following parameters to tune the machine detection based on your use case. For more details, please refer to our API documentation.


Parameter Description



The number of milliseconds used to measure the length of speech activity. Note that machine_detection_maximum_speech_length must be a positive integer. 

Durations greater than this value will be detected as a machine.

Default: 5000 

Allowed values: Between 1000 to 6000



The duration of initial silence when the call is answered, expressed in milliseconds. Note that machine_detection_initial_silence must be a positive integer.

“Unknown” will be returned after the specified value. 

Default: 4500 

Allowed values: Between 2000 to 10000


The maximum number of sentences detected. Machine_detection_maximum_words must be a positive integer. 

Values greater than the threshold you set will be classified as a machine.

Default: 3 

Allowed values: Between 2 to 10


Indicates the maximum length of the initial greeting in milliseconds. machine_detection_initial_greeting must be a positive integer.

Duration longer than this value will be detected as a machine.

Default: 1500 

Allowed values: Between 1000 to 5000 


The silence after the initial greeting, expressed in milliseconds. Machine_detection_silence must be a positive integer. 

Durations greater than this value will be detected as a human.

Default: 800

Allowed values: Between 500 to 5000

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