How can I obtain separate audio recordings for each participant on the MPC bridge?

You can achieve the above requirement using both API and XML.


You can pass the below parameter while initiating MPC via XML to record the audio of that specific participant.


Argument Datatype Description
recordParticipantTrack Boolean

Indicates whether single-track or participant-level recording will be initiated when the participant joins the MPC bridge.

Default: false



Using APIs, You can achieve this during the addition of new participant to the MPC or by invoking participant-level recording. 

Add a participant to a multiparty call using API

You can initiate the single-track or participant-level recording while adding the participant to the MPC bridge

Parameter Datatype Description




Indicates whether single-track or participant-level recording will be initiated when the participant joins the MPC bridge. The generated recording file will contain only the audio of the specified participant.

Default: false

Start participant-level recording

Alternatively, you can initiate the participant or single track recording using the participant level recording API.

Parameter Datatype Description




Indicates if the recording track is at the participant level or includes all channels.

Possible values: participant / all / both

participant: Initiates single-track or participant-level recording for the provided member_id.

all: Initiates multi-channel recording for the specified participant. 

both: Initiates both single-track/participant-level and all-channel recordings.

Default: all

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